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IIT researchers develop a cheaper alternative to EV Charging Technology.


A new EV charging technology is developed by researchers of IIT, Varanasi in collaboration with experts from IIT Guwahati and IIT Bhubaneswar expect to cut down the overall cost of the vehicle by half. Major automobile company tested the alternative EV charging technology, claims to start the initial trails by end of the year.


  • The new EV charging technology developed by the researchers of three IITs will cost half the price compared to the current EV charging technology.
  • The three researchers and experts of IIT  Varanasi, IIT Guwahati, and IIT Bhubaneswar collaboratively developed the new EV charger technology.

Experts from three IITs collaboratively developed an alternative EV charging technology, which expects to cut down the cost of the EV charging components by removing one additional power electronics interface, and that will make a direct positive impact on the cost of electric two-wheelers and four-wheelers.


Rajeev Kumar Singh, chief project investigator, IIT BHU said “The rise in fuel prices is worrisome for the common man. Amidst the rising cost of petroleum products, electric vehicles (EVs) are the best alternative to conventional IC (Internal Combustion) engines but lack of high power off-board charging infrastructure forces automakers to incorporate onboard chargers into the vehicle itself.”

The three researchers and experts of IIT  Varanasi, IIT Guwahati, and IIT Bhubaneswar Collaboratively developed the new EV charger technology. Talking about the technology, the experts are highly optimistic that this technology can cater to the problem of a major carrier chief project Investigator, Rajeev Singh indicated the direct influence of reduction in the onboard charger cost with the overall cost of the vehicle.

“In the proposed onboard charger technology, we are reducing one additional power electronics interface required for propulsion mode and, therefore, the components involved are reduced by 50%. The proposed charger is reconfigurable. It can act as a charger for charging mode and inverter for propulsion mode,” said  Rajeev Kumar Singh.

The researchers said that lab testing and development of the charging technology project is completed and now it is getting ready to be commercialized.

Chief project Investigator, Rajeev Singh indicated the direct influence of reduction in the onboard charger cost with the overall cost of the vehicle. The low-cost charging technology for EVs can make electric cars economically affordable in India. Overall, he marked the indigenous development of EV charging technology in India to be a major step towards EV ecosystem development in India.


EVs can be charged from existing power connections in India.

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Leading electric vehicle manufacturers from India have seen the initial trials and are also interested in this new EV charging technology, and the research team claims it is ready to develop a full-fledged commercial product that can be used in existing electric vehicles. As of now, nothing is revealed about the company yet, but the technology can be seen implemented in the upcoming electric cars in India.

IIT (BHU) director Pramod Kumar Jain said “ the commercial, social, economic and environmental impact of technology will also be positive. The technology will improve charging infrastructure and support the government’s mission to bring electric vehicles on Indian roads.”

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