US automaker Ford is planning to sell its Gujarat plant to Tata Motors, as its drops Ford EV India Plans.
- By continuing its initial plans the segment of Ford EV India will sell factories that were based in Gujarat and Chennai.
- The company thanked the Government of India for accepting the proposal under Production Linked Incentive Scheme.
On 12 May 2022, US carmaker Ford declared to drop its plan to make EVs in India, announced the Ford EV India Chennai plant by Ford’s Indian management.
In February 2022, GOI announced a Production Linked Incentive Scheme, where Ford was one of the companies to get selected under this scheme.
But looking at the current scenario it can be said that the company may step back and cancel its tender application as an EV manufacturer as it has canceled its expansion of the EV segment in India.
Moreover, by continuing its initial plans the company will sell factories that were based in Gujarat and Chennai. The production in both the factories has stopped already.
In 2021, the company declared that it will produce Ford EVs in India mainly for export and also to cater to the Indian domestic market.
Alongside, the company had issued a statement addressing the drop in plan, that after all the attentive review, the company has decided to end the manufacturing of electric vehicles for export from any factories in India.
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Ford EV India also thanked the government of India for the support while they were continuously exploring the EV market in India and thanked GOI for accepting the proposal under Production Linked Incentive Scheme.
The company as such has not disclosed any statement that why they are dropping the plan of EV manufacturing and production in India.
To conclude it can be said that the automaker Ford has ended the production and manufacturing of EVs in India and there can’t be seen any chance to restart its operation in the country.
The EV sector in India has recently seen a major spike of interest from global automobile manufacturers like Tesla, Ford, and GMC, and it’s just a matter of time before the global players set up their manufacturing plants in India