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PMI Electro Mobility: Empowering the Future of Clean Mobility

Image of PMI electro mobility buses in India

Delhi: In the realm of India’s fast-paced electric vehicle (EV) industry, PMI Electro Mobility has emerged as a trailblazer, spearheading the transformation of the nation’s transportation sector towards a sustainable and eco-friendly future. Established in 2017, PMI has quickly established itself as a leading electric commercial vehicle manufacturer, producing an extensive range of electric buses with zero tailpipe emissions. With over 1,184 electric buses already operational across 28 cities, PMI Electro Mobility’s technological and manufacturing prowess has been instrumental in reducing environmental pollution while promoting women empowerment in a traditionally male-dominated field.

PMI Electro Mobility’s journey began with the vision of revolutionizing India’s public transportation by offering state-of-the-art electric buses. The company operates a fleet, which have not only been instrumental in reducing carbon emissions but have also offered commuters reliable and efficient transportation services with minimal downtime. The electric buses have garnered recognition as the top choice for state transport undertakings (STUs) across the country.

Furthermore, PMI Electro Mobility is the largest e-bus fleet operator, covering vast distances from the southernmost state to Ladakh, totalling over 1.25 crore green kilometres. Such an impressive feat underscores the company’s dedication to driving sustainable mobility across diverse terrains.


PMI’s ambitions extend beyond electric buses as well. In a ground-breaking achievement, PMI Electro Mobility has secured a monumental order from the Delhi government to provide, maintain, and operate an extensive fleet of 2,026 electric buses. This landmark contract encompasses the delivery of 1,456 9-metre buses and 570 12-metre buses, contributing to the government’s vision of fostering sustainable transportation solutions for the capital city. With the first tranche of 100 buses set to be delivered by September 2023, PMI Electro Mobility is poised to play a pivotal role in shaping a greener and more eco-friendly future for Delhi. This remarkable feat further cements the company’s position as a leading force in the electric vehicle sector and emphasizes its dedication to driving positive environmental change through innovative mobility solutions.

In addition to the extensive manufacturing capabilities, PMI Electro Mobility is taking strides to introduce newer and more diverse offerings. Moreover, PMI has expressed its intention to expand into the electric truck segment in the coming years, solidifying its position as an all-encompassing EV manufacturer.

A landmark achievement in this pursuit is PMI’s all-women-operated battery plant. Breaking stereotypes and defying norms, PMI’s battery plant serves as a beacon of gender diversity, with women playing pivotal roles in driving innovation and maintaining the highest standards of quality. By actively fostering an inclusive work environment, PMI is creating a transformative space for women to flourish in the automotive sector.

At the heart of PMI Electro Mobility’s brand story lies a strong commitment to empowering women within the organization and beyond. The automotive industry has long been perceived as male-dominated, but PMI is actively dismantling these barriers by promoting equal opportunities for women to thrive in leadership positions and key decision-making roles.

While PMI Electro Mobility has achieved commendable success, the Indian EV space still faces certain challenges and presents opportunities for growth. One of the major challenges is the lack of sufficient charging infrastructure. Although the Indian government is proactively working towards its development, the limited charging infrastructure poses obstacles to the widespread adoption of electric vehicles, especially for commercial fleet operators.

Another challenge pertains to the high upfront cost of EVs compared to their conventional counterparts. However, with the government’s target of achieving 30% EV penetration by 2030 and the ongoing incentives and subsidies, the cost differential is expected to gradually diminish, making EVs more accessible.

Despite the challenges, the EV space also offers promising opportunities. The government’s support, incentives, and focus on sustainability provide a conducive environment for the growth of electric vehicles. Lower operating costs, untapped private markets, growing demand, and environmental benefits further contribute to the attractiveness of electric vehicles for both consumers and fleet operators.

PMI Electro Mobility is at the forefront of embracing technological advancements in the commercial vehicle sector. The company has been actively exploring and adopting new technologies to enhance vehicle efficiency, safety, and reliability.

Electric vehicles remain a key focus for PMI, as they offer numerous benefits, including lower operational costs, improved safety features, and reduced emissions. Moreover, PMI is looking into alternative fuels such as biofuels and hydrogen to further promote sustainability in the commercial vehicle space.

Additionally, PMI is investing in advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) to improve safety standards. Features like adaptive cruise control, lane departure warning, and collision avoidance systems are integrated into PMI’s electric buses, ensuring a safe and secure journey for passengers.

As PMI Electro Mobility continues to expand its electric bus fleet and manufacturing capabilities, the company stands committed to its vision of a greener and more inclusive future for India’s transportation sector. The CEO, Ms. Aanchal Jain, brings her expertise and dedication to lead PMI towards new heights of success, setting an example for women in the industry.

PMI’s dedication to sustainability and gender diversity aligns with India’s ambition to lead the global transition towards cleaner and more efficient mobility. By embracing innovation, fostering inclusivity, and empowering women, PMI Electro Mobility aspires to be a catalyst for India’s green and inclusive future.

As a pioneer in India’s electric vehicle revolution, PMI is steadfast in its commitment to drive sustainable transportation solutions. At the forefront of their vision is the introduction of electric school buses, an opportune and essential step for the country’s progress towards a cleaner and greener future.

Electric school buses represent a pivotal need of the hour for India for several compelling reasons. PMI recognizes that these electric-powered vehicles play a central role in reducing harmful emissions, particularly in densely populated urban centers where traditional diesel-powered buses contribute significantly to air pollution PMI Electro Mobility is driving technology adoption, ensuring India remains at the forefront of the EV revolution along with it’s commitment to gender equality and environmental sustainability will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the future of clean mobility in India.

Founder at Ecogears
Abhishek Gautam is the founder at ecogears ev ecosystems. He mainly covers electric vehicles, government updates related to EVs, EV charging and Tesla accessories.
Abhishek Gautam

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