7 Unknown Disadvantages of Electric Vehicles in India

By: Abhishek Gautam

July 5, 2023


EVs have range of benefits, but like any new technology Electric vehicles have disadvantages too. Lets have a look at them.


Having a fixed battery capacity, currently available EVs offer lower range compared to ICE. 

Limited Range


For price sensitive nation like India, Initial cost of buying EVs in India is too high. 

Higher Purchase Cost


Due to the lack of ultra fast charging technology, Charging an EV takes 2-3 hours upto 70%.

Long Charging Times


Currently number of 1567 Dc Fast Chargers are not enough to support the growing EV adoption. 

Limited Charging Infrastructure


Due to limited electric vehicle models in India, customers don't have options to consider.

Limited Models


Our electric grids are not upgraded enough to support the growing number of EVs.

Pressure to the Grid


Due to continues Introduction of new technology in newer EVs, old EVs have a low resale value.

Low Resale Value


READ: Advantages and Disadvantages of electric vehicles in India.